What if...

You let go of the pressure to change who you are, and instead you learned to embrace your inner power to become who you are. By Kelly Clements-Gennis

Monday, January 25, 2010

Feel Better Now! With My "Take Time For Me Tea"

After seeing and hearing how many of you aren't feeling well, I as usual inspired by you,decided to make up a little tonic.So here I am. I mixed it up, drank it, loved it!

I know you, even if I don't really know you. I know that your running around in a whirl wind. Trying to please everyone with a job well done. Working your little buns off all the while forgetting about the most important person in your life...YOU!

Your body is exhausted trying to keep up. Your sore throat, dry cough and aching bones are your bodies cry out for attention. It's trying to tell you "Take Time For ME!"

So as always, inspired by all of you I created "Take Time For Me Tea" follow these instructions step by step and I promise you will feel better!

#1. Make black tea preferably organic
#2. Add 1tsp of honey
#3. Add 1/4 tsp of cinnamon
#4. Mix it up
#5.While it's steeping...Get into your pj's, fluff you your bed

#6. Now get into your bed. When I say "Get into" I mean sink into your bed
#7. While holding your steaming hot cup of tea...feel the warmth.
#8. Close your eyes
#9. Feel the warmth run through every cell of your body
#10. Breath. Deep. Breath. Slow. Let it all Go.

Ah ya....night, night my friends.

See you tomorrow. Healthy, Strong, Vibrant and Beautiful!

Big Warm and Cozy Hugs